It has become truly boring to read about the cruise industry because every analysis point to the same conclusion; this industry will continue to suffer and the recovery is years away. Beat Billions, however, begs to differ. Our regular readers should not find this surprising because we’ve been publishing about […]

It’s easy for investors to lose focus and chase the stocks that are delivering the best returns on a given day in the markets. This is especially true when it comes to small-cap stock investing. At Beat Billions, we dig deep into the fundamentals of small-cap stocks to unearth valuable […]

Beat Billions, three days ago, uncovered the potential sale of CYDY stock by the company CEO, Nader Pourhassan. At the time, many investors were confused about the Form 144 that was used by the company to file this with the SEC, and we provided some clear guidance on how to […]

Tanker stocks are proving to be one of the hottest sectors of the market. There are valid reasons behind this hype. Beat Billions drilled down the tanker industry a few days earlier and concluded this industry will likely provide a stellar performance in the next 12 months, both from a […]

Beat Billions is an investment research platform dedicated to finding small-cap stocks that could provide attractive returns. In sifting the markets to find such bets, we unearth some interesting developments that could easily miss the untrained eye. CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY) is a small-cap stock that has received lots of love […]